
We are Sandrine and Jessica.
We co.lab as a creative duo since 2015.
And as client and art director since 2006.
We free ourselves of one creative model.
And co.create in infinite ways.
We co.design strategies,
worlds, ads, visions, objects,
anything that meets the brief.

We co.create with trend strategists,
cultural creatives, craftsmen, directors,
photographers, techies, guerrilla gardeners,
industrial and fashion designers,
and many more creative minds.
We co.curate chemistry with clients.
Together we co.lead brand strategies,
co.own communication campaigns
co.act courageous change and
co.color the corporate world.

We co.experiment in our lab, by trying
out new methods of creation, and crafting
our own ideas and dreams.
This makes us better creatives.
We co.pledge to socially responsible topics
such as feminism, gender fluidity, and future living,
because we believe creativity can change the world.

We co.circuit conventions, rules and boredom
in anything we do. Our best co.creations
are still to come. Let’s co.lab!